Module 1 | Course Introduction | |
Unit 1 | Google Go Programming for Beginners (Golang) | |
Unit 2 | 1.1 - Course Introduction | |
Module 2 | Introduction To Google Go Programming | |
Unit 1 | 2.1 - Section Introduction | |
Unit 2 | 2.2 - Go Language Intro | |
Unit 3 | 2.3 - Golang | |
Unit 4 | 2.4 - Imports | |
Unit 5 | 2.5 - Summary | |
Unit 6 | 2.6 - Section Quiz | |
Module 3 | Go Language | |
Unit 1 | 3.1 - Section Introduction | |
Unit 2 | 3.2 - Declaring Variables | |
Unit 3 | 3.3 - Constants | |
Unit 4 | 3.4 - Types and Casting | |
Unit 5 | 3.5 - Setting Up Your Local Environmet | |
Unit 6 | 3.6 - Structs | |
Unit 7 | 3.7 - Functions | |
Unit 8 | 3.8 - Functions – Variadic | |
Unit 9 | 3.9 - Functions – Defer | |
Unit 10 | 3.10 - Pointers | |
Unit 11 | 3.11 - Operators | |
Unit 12 | 3.12 - Conditionals | |
Unit 13 | 3.13 - Arrays Slices | |
Unit 14 | 3.14 - Maps | |
Unit 15 | 3.15 - Looping – Arrays Slices | |
Unit 16 | 3.16 - Looping – Maps | |
Unit 17 | 3.17 - Interfaces | |
Unit 18 | 3.18 - Section Quiz | |
Module 4 | Expanding Your Go Knowledge | |
Unit 1 | 4.1 - Section Introduction | |
Unit 2 | 4.2 - Composition | |
Unit 3 | 4.3 - Custom Types | |
Unit 4 | 4.4 - NewFunction | |
Unit 5 | 4.5 - Polymorphic | |
Unit 6 | 4.6 - Multifile | |
Unit 7 | 4.7 - Readwrite | |
Unit 8 | 4.8 - Crypto | |
Unit 9 | 4.9 - WebOperations | |
Unit 10 | 4.10 - Jsonpublisher | |
Unit 11 | 4.11 - Jsonconsumer | |
Unit 12 | 4.12 - Section Quiz | |
Module 5 | Concurrency | |
Unit 1 | 5.1 - Section Introduction | |
Unit 2 | 5.2 - Overview | |
Unit 3 | 5.3 - Goroutines | |
Unit 4 | 5.4 - Gochannels1 | |
Unit 5 | 5.5 - Gochannels2 | |
Unit 6 | 5.6 - Gochannels3 | |
Unit 7 | 5.7 - Section Quiz | |
Module 6 | Conclusion | |
Unit 1 | Course Summary |
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